Become a Member

Owners of mixed breed dogs can now join an organization especially for them. Handlers and their mixes can compete and earn titles in obedience, tracking and conformation, as well as work toward agility and herding instinct certificates.
The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America (MBDCA) is a national organization which offers registration to all spayed/neutered mixed breeds, and to those purebreds that cannot compete in the American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), or Australian Shepherd trials. Purebreds registering must also be spayed/neutered.
If you are planning to show your dog, you should join as an Individual Member. If you aren't planning to show, or even if you don't own a mixed breed, but would like to support the club, you can join as a Supporting Member.
If you are interested in any level of membership, please read the rest of this Introduction, the Code of Ethics and Categories of Membership. Then print and use the downloadable Membership Application.
As an individual member, you have the opportunity to work toward completion of titles of certificates, under judges who have been certified by MBDCA. The club has its own set of regulations to meet the unique needs of mixed breeds while still fitting in at fun matches and workshops.
In obedience, you can earn titles at the novice, open and utility levels. The mixed breed obedience titles are MD-CD, MB-CDX, and MB-UD, with the "MB" standing for Mixed Breed. The titles are earned in a manner similar to the AKC, with a few differences. The most obvious difference is that mixed breeds earn titles at fun matches, not at AKC trials or shows. Other differences are explained in the New Member packet.
The conformation standard is designed to promote a happy and healthy family dog, and focuses on general soundness and balance as will as excellent temperament and manners. Any dog working toward a conformation championship must achieve the MD-CD (novice) obedience title before receiving more than half of the points needed for a conformation title.
A tracking title is similar to AKC's.
The agility certificate is issued by the United States Dog Agility Association.
Handlers are responsible for knowing the rules governing any form of competition win which they are planning to take part. MBDCA Rules and Regulations are issues with the New Member Packet. AKC regulations for obedience, tracking, and herding can be obtained by contacting AKC at 51 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10010. Agility regulations can be obtained from the United States Dog Agility Association, P.O. Box 850955, Richardson, TX 75085-0955.
Owners of mixed breeds (and, indeed, of all dogs) are encouraged to be responsible dog owners. The MBDCA requires all registered dogs be spayed, neutered, or otherwise made sterile. There are far too may unfortunate dogs, both mixed and pure, destroyed every year. Our members do not contribute to those tragic statistics.
Also MBDCA strongly advise that all dogs be obedience trained, whether or not they will be entering the obedience ring. Training makes a more responsible citizen of your dog and a better owner of you.
We hope that you will decide to become a member of the Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America.
Welcome Letter
Dear Dog Lover,
HI! Thank you for inquiring about registering your dog with the "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America" (MBDCA). There are no restrictions as to what our dogs can earn in the way of titles. They can earn the traditional obedience titles (novice, open and utility) as well as titles in conformation, tracking, herding, instinct, agility, temperament testing, and more. We must earn our obedience titles at FUN MATCHES, however, since we cannot compete in the AKC approved shows and trials. Here are some things you should consider before applying to the MBDCA for membership and registration of your dog:
- The MBDCA welcomes all mixed bred dogs, and those pure purebreds or rare breeds that are not eligible to compete through the AKC or UKC. However, we do require that ALL DOGS MUST BE MADE STERILE (spayed or neutered) and proof given. The primary goal of our organization is to promote responsible dog ownership through obedience and discourage the breeding of non-show quality dogs.
- If you know or think your dog is a purebred, you can apply to the AKC for a PAL/ILP (Purebred Alternative Listing/Indefinite Listing Privilege) . This will allow you to show in many AKC companion events. You can get more information at The MBDCA, however, will NOT register a dog that can qualify for a PAL/ILP number unless a copy of the PAL/ILP denial form for the AKC is received along with the MBDCA application.
- If you have a purebred dog which is blind, deaf, lame or otherwise does not qualify for AKC trials, we will register such a dog. You may compete for titles, however, it is left up to the judge to determine if the dog is physically able to compete. Please fill out and send in the Handicapped Dog Registration Form.
- If you have a breed of dog that is not now accepted by the AKC or UKC, the MBDCA will register your dog. If you are trying to establish the breed in this country, you may want to register your dog with the breed's national club.
- The MBDCA has a category for "Supporting Members". This allows our purebred and/or rare breed friends to join us without registering their dog(s) with us. Through their membership, they will receive our newsletter and have a vote in club matters. Their support is greatly appreciated.
Now, if you are interested in joining the MBDCA (and we certainly hope you are), print a copy of and fill out the downloadable application and return it to me. Thank you again for inquiring about the MBDCA.