Member Benefits
The MBDCA has three types of membership: Individual, Chapter, and Supporting.
Individual Membership
This membership category is for those (not affiliated with a Chapter) registering a mixed bred dog(s) and planning to show in order to earn titles or certificates. You will receive the quarterly National newsletter, Mixed Reviews. All individual members are entitled to one vote in each election or contest at the national level.
Chapter Membership
This category is for those people who live in a state or area where there is a chapter club of the MBDCA. Regions with chapters include northern California and the Greater St. Louis Area. Yearly dues are set by each chapter and payable to them. A one-time registration fee per dog is paid to the National Club (MBDCA). You will receive the quarterly National newsletter, Mixed Reviews.
Supporting Membership
This category is for people who are not actively showing their registered mixed breed dog, or who do not own a mixed breed but want to support the Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America. As a Supporting Member, you receive a subscription to the quarterly newsletter, Mixed Reviews, and are entitled to one vote in each national election or contest.