MBDCA Dog Sports All Stars
All Star dogs have earned multiple titles or high scores while trialing. Click on the sport name to see the all-stars for that sport.
- Obedience All Stars
A dog becomes an Obedience All Star if they have earned the highest level of title offered by the Mixed Breed Club or equivalent titles offered by AKC, UKC, or ASCA (UD, OTCH, UDX), or by:
- Earning 195 or over on first three legs for any obedience title (not including non-regular classes)
- Earning 200 on any three consecutive obedience legs (i.e. last leg CD, first and second leg CDX, etc.)
- Rally All Stars
A dog becomes a Rally All Star if they have earned the highest level of title offered by the Mixed Breed Club or equivalent titles offered by AKC, UKC, or ASCA (RAE), or by:
- Earning 99 or over on first three legs for any Rally title (not including non-regular classes)
- Earning 100 on any three consecutive rally legs (i.e. second and third leg RN, first leg RA, etc.)
- Conformation All Stars
- A dog becomes a Conformation All Star if they have earned the highest level of title offered by the Mixed Breed Club (MB-GCh).
- Lure Coursing All Stars
- A dog becomes a Lure Coursing All Star if they have earned the highest level of title offered by the Mixed Breed Club or equivalent titles offered by AKC, UKC, or ASCA (MB-FC).
- Tracking All Stars
- A dog becomes a Tracking All Star if they have earned the highest level of title offered by the Mixed Breed Club or equivalent titles offered by AKC, UKC, or ASCA (MB-CT).
- Agility All Stars
- Eligibility to be determined.