Useful Links

- General Dog Activities
- Agility
- Animal Assisted Therapy
- Flyball
- Frisbee
- Herding
- Lure Coursing
- Musical Freestyle
- Obedience (Competitive)
- Racing
- Schutzhund
- Search and Rescue
- Show Business
- Sledding, Skijoring, Carting, Pulling
- Temperament Testing
- Other Links
General Dog Activities [top]
- Book: Canine Adventures by Cynthia Miller. Highly recommended!
Agility [top]
- Canine Performance Events (CPE)
- North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC)
- United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA)
- Dogs on Course in North America (DOCNA)
Animal Assisted Therapy [top]
Flyball [top]
Frisbee [top]
Herding [top]
Lure Coursing [top]
- All Breed Lure Sports Association (ABLSA)
- Lure Coursing Fanatics
- Luratics
- American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA)
- American Kennel Club (AKC)
Musical Freestyle [top]
Obedience (Competitive) [top]
- American Kennel Club (AKC)
- American Mixed Breed Obedience Registration (AMBOR)
- Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA)
- United Kennel Club (UKC)
Racing [top]
- North American Dog Racing Association: P.O. Box 84, Fenton, Ml 48430, (810)629-0039;
Schutzhund [top]
Search and Rescue [top]
Show Business [top]
Sledding, Skijoring, Pulling, Carting [top]
- International Weight Pull Association
- Carting
- North American Skijoring and Ski Pulk Association
- Alaska Skijoring and Pulk Association
- International In-Line Skating Association