MBDCA Hall of Fame
The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize those dogs and owners who have demonstrated unusual merit, accomplishment, or achievement. Induction into the Mixed Breed Hall of Fame is very selective, and not more than 1% of the club's membership can be inducted each year. The Selection Committee bases its selection on four criteria:
- Heroic acts
- Services to people
- Training and manners, and
- Owners who have promoted responsible mixed breed dog ownership.
Do you have a dog and handler that you would like to nominate? Please read our Nomination Letter, then fill out and send in the Nomination Form.
2012 Winners
Bonnie and Charles Bird & Jigi and Zuzu

Jigi and Zuzu Doodle Bird were inducted into the MBDCA Hall of Fame in 2012 for their extraordinary work as therapy dogs. They each volunteer at Peace/Health St. Joseph's Medical Center, the Cancer Center, the Pacific Rim Outpatient Surgery Center, the Adult Day Care Center, Mt. Baker Care Skilled Nursing Facility, the County Libraries in Elementary and Middle Schools, and Western Washington University. Half way through 2013, Jigi had already made more than 48 therapy dog visits and Zuzu had already made over 50. In 2012, Jigi put in over 100 hours and Zuzu logged more than 70.
Last year, a series of medical problems reared their ugly heads in the Birds' household. Charles suffered from Acute Heart Block and later a gall bladder attack that resulted in an 11 day stay in the hospital when the incision site abscessed. Jigi and Zuzu came to the hospital every day, alternating visits. It is hard to express how important all these visits were to the Birds. Hospitals are terrible places to stay with all the pokes and prods, interrupted sleep, and terrible food. Having a visit from your dog, who only wants to lie beside you and maybe give you kiss or two is great comfort.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)
2010 Winners
Sheila Dempsey & U-CDX He's A PatchWork Puppy MB-VX3, MB-CDX, MB-RE, AMBOR CDX, PJ II, PK1, PS1, PD1, PG1, SR, OJP, OAP, OFP, BN, CD, GN, RE, CGC, TDI

Patches & Sheila have been together for 11 years showing in 5 venues: MBDCA, AMBOR, USDAA, UKC & now AKC. From April 2010 until October 2010 they completed 11 AKC titles, but due to an agility ending injury they did not complete that 12th title until 2011.
Sheila feels honored to be chosen for the Hall Of Fame. Patches has done everything she has asked of him and more. She has been a privileged to share the journey with her rescue boy who was thrown out on a cold December day many years ago. Sheila believes God has allowed them to accomplish a lot together, and it is the journeys they took, not so much the destinations they reached that she will always remember. What a ride!
2007 Winners
John Sudler & MB-OTCH Freddie MB-UD, MB-RE, MB-V5

John Suddler and Freddie and were inducted in 2010. Adopted at about 6 months of age from Redwood City, California, Pets in Need, Freddie was an Aussie-Corgi mix with bright blue eyes, so handsome he won second place in a 2005 Dog Fancy Magazine Mutt Magic photo contest.
Freddie had many obedience titles and was 2007 Mixed Breed Obedience Trial Champion. He loved to do demonstrations, performing for over a thousand children and adults. Freddie also qualified as a Pet Partner with Delta Society. He and John visited rehab centers and assisted living facilities as well as a VA hospital. Freddie helped out in Delta Society Pet Partner evaluations and in teaching short classes featuring therapy and service dog skills at a local college.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)
2001 Winners
Lucy Peckham & MBCh U-CD Peckham's Ms. Reilly-san MB-CD, ASCA-CD, CGC
Lucy Peckham and U-CD MBCh Reilly MB-CD ASCA-CD CGC of Anchorage, Alaska were inducted in 2001. Reilly was the office dog at Hillside Pet Clinic for five years, and was nominated by co-workers. As her owner wrote, Reilly did not accomplish any specific heroic acts to qualify. She was more of the kind of dog who inspired people in small ways on a daily basis, who was a teacher even as she was taught. Reilly comforted scared and lonely dogs in the clinic, but also helped out at other venues Lucy frequented she entertained customers at two violin shops and gave actors good luck kisses at theaters in San Diego, Seattle, and Alaska. Many people were inspired to adopt dogs after meeting Reilly. She showed that a well-trained dog is welcome anywhere.
Reilly enjoyed both Newfoundland Water Rescue exercises and Agility, but achieved no sport titles, since there were no Mixed Breed opportunities at that time. She twice won both High in Trial and Best in Show in one day at Mixed Breed trials.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)
1999 Winners
Martha Morton & Freeway Morton

Martha Morton of Fallbrook, California found her dog, Freeway, (of course) abandoned on a highway and she cheerfully joined Martha's 2-dog household. After basic and intermediate training, Freeway went on to both CGC and Therapy Dog titles. By the time she retired, Freeway had put in close to 300 hours of therapy work.
Freeway's skills were not limited to people. In 1998, Freeway alerted Martha that Irie, another dog in the family, was not well. Martha guessed that Irie had bloat, and called the vet before she rushed to the hospital. The emergency had a good outcome, due to Freeway's warning and Martha's quick action.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)
1998 Winners
Kathy Gilbert & U-CD Bailey's Tradition CGC

F. Kathy (Kelly) Gilbert of Evansville Indiana and her sheltie-Pomeranian service dog, Bailey's Tradition, were winners of the MBDCA 1998 Hall of Fame Award. Bailey is trained to deal with Kathy's medical condition - the dog brings prepared medication and then stays with Kathy until the attack passes. In addition, Bailey is able to sense a pending problem, so that Kathy can take her dose before she becomes incapacitated. Bailey has used this ability to foretell oncoming seizures with others. She has alerted and stayed close to a visiting child just before a completely unexpected series of convulsions, maintaining a watchful stance until medics arrived.
U-CD Bailey CGC has shown her skills on Amazing Animals, a feature segment of a local TV station, opening doors and jumping barriers to get Kathy's medicines. Of course she knows a million other tricks, and accompanies Kathy on educational expeditions, counseling others on responsible pet ownership.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)
1997 Winners
Terri Nash & Sunny MB-UD, CGC, VCCX

Once a talented equestrian, Terri Nash's activities were more and more limited by advancing multiple sclerosis (MS). Terri looked into getting a professionally trained assistance dog, but there was a 5-year wait. Given her background in animal training, she decided to create her own canine helper. Terri found Sunny, a boxer-lab mix, in a local shelter. The two exchanged a look and decided to try working together.
Within the first year, Sunny learned how to switch on lights, open doors, carry objects, and pick up and deliver anything, from a grape to a credit card. Wheelchair management included lifting tired feet over barriers, positioning the footrest, pulling the chair up a parking-lot ramp, and closing doors just passed though. Sunny could remove socks and pants, load a VCR, and fetch a telephone on command. Dog-assisted mobility allowed Terry to travel and help others, including some TV appearances. Sunny was honored with a spot in the California Veterinary Hall of Fame and Terri Nash and Sunny MB-UD, CGC, VCCX were the first team to be inducted into the MBDCA Hall of Fame.
(Based on a Mixed Reviews article)